The Lifetime Achievement Award will be given biennially to an individual from any country in the world who has made an outstanding contribution to knowledge through her/his dissemination of estuarine and coastal science.

Nominations are invited from ECSA members.

Please complete the nomination form below, obtain a CV for the nominee and email both documents to the ECSA Secretary.

Nomination Criteria

The nominee need not be an ECSA member. They will have most, but not necessarily all, of the factors in the list below. The name of the recipient will remain confidential until a suitable time to reveal the individual becomes available. This will typically be at the ECSA Biennial Conference.

  • The individual must have made an outstanding contribution to estuarine/coastal science.
  • The contribution will involve a substantial body of published work in peer-reviewed international journals, in books and commissioned reports.
  • The individual will have demonstrated leadership in the subject through the holding of major research funds or through the management of substantial budgets and teams of staff.
  • The recipient will have earned considerable esteem, indicated through her/his work for national and international governments, research organisations, publishers and industrial companies.
  • The individual will have demonstrated significant management and/or supervision of young scientists either in industry, in academia or in governmental and non-governmental organisations.
  • The candidate will be known for her/his prowess as a communicator of estuarine and coastal science, including involvement with the general public and the media.
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