The Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association welcomes membership applications from anyone interested in estuarine or coastal marine science, or the application of science for conservation or environmental management.
ECSA is an international association and has members in many regions of the world as you can see on the global map of member locations.
General membership benefits include access to:
- International conferences, symposia and workshops on advanced estuarine and coastal studies and techniques.
- International networks of scientists, technologists and practitioners.
- Current hot topics and information via the website, e-newsletter, as well as archived materials.
- The ECSA Bulletin
- Applications to the Charles Boyden Fund for travel grants to attend conferences and small research grants to support specific projects.
- Applications for the Peter Jones Memorial Prize for outstanding research publications by early career scientists.
- Awards for the best oral and poster presentations by research students at ECSA’s International Conferences.
- Discounts on the subscription to the journal Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science and other ECSA-related scientific publications (individuals only, not organisations).
- Discounts on registration fees for ECSA-related conferences, local meetings and workshops, where these are advertised.
- Help with student registrations and childcare, where these benefits are advertised.
To register as a new member, please visit the page Application Instructions for New Members.
To renew an existing membership, please visit the Membership Renewal page.
Student membership
Students are entitled to a three year membership (from date of joining) for a one-off payment. N.B. Please note that students must provide some proof of student status, to be sent to the Membership Secretary. This may be a scan/photo of your current student card, a letter of appointment, or other document showing current student status.
Institutional membership
In addition to the above general benefits (apart from personal awards) institutional members are entitled to send up to five people from their institution to any ECSA-related meeting at a reduced member’s rate per person, where any such rate is advertised. You can apply for institutional membership by going through the standard application process and selecting the appropriate membership type. Once completed you are welcome to contact the Membership Secretary with a short description of what your company/institution does and your logo. These can be displayed on our Sponsors & Institutional Members page.
Sponsoring membership
In addition to the above general benefits (apart from personal awards) sponsoring members are entitled to send up to five people from their institution to any ECSA-related meeting at a reduced member’s rate per person, where any such rate is advertised. Additionally they are entitled to have a voting representative on ECSA Council. NB This privilege is subject to a maximum of five sponsors on Council at any one time.
You can apply for sponsoring membership by going through the standard application process and selecting the appropriate membership type, but please also contact the Membership Secretary. Once an application is completed you are welcome to send the Membership Secretary a short description of what your company/institution does and your logo. These can be displayed on our Sponsors & Institutional Members page.