By working collaboratively with our partners, we can achieve far more for people and wildlife than we could alone. We are always open to new collaborative opportunities, so please rememare [at] (subject: ReMeMaRe%20enquiry) (contact us) if you would like to find out more about ReMeMaRe.
Steering Group
We have established a cross Defra Steering Group, Chaired by the Environment Agency, to help achieve our vision for restored estuarine and coastal habitats that benefit people and nature.
Partnership Group
Our Partnership Group is made up of a variety of environmental organisations, all of which have an interest in leading and delivering the restoration of England’s estuaries and coasts.
International Partner Projects
REWRITE’s mission is to revitalise Europe's intertidal areas through rewilding, a nature-driven approach, promoting climate resilience, biodiversity, and societal benefits for the European shoreline. REWRITE fosters interdisciplinary collaboration to advance rewilding, engage stakeholders, scale up strategies, and create effective tools for a resilient and safe European coast.