Sunday 2 June 2024 to Tuesday 4 June 2024
Kunsan National University
558 Daehak-ro
Gunsan city
South Korea

ECSA in conjunction with colleagues in Korea, Japan and China will be holding an International Manila Clam Symposium in South Korea from 2nd to 4th June 2024. The event will take place at the Kunsan National University campus in Gansun City and will include a field visit to Gomso Bay tidal flat and off-shore suspended Manila clam culture facility.

The symposium is jointly organised by the International  Manila clam Symposium  and the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA).
A linked special issue of the ECSA/Elsevier journal, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science will subsequently be published, open to appropriately written-up symposium papers and other submissions.

Sponsors include the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST); the National Institute of Fisheries Science; and Jeju National University.

Registration is free of charge and achieved through

The call for symposium presentations is now open. Please send a 100 word abstract to jhc [at]

A number of ECSA travel grants will be available for suitable European or North American applicants wishing to deliver a paper at the symposium and for submission also to the themed journal issue.


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