Wednesday 28 April 2021

REARRANGED: ECSA Online Focus Meeting, Wednesday April 28th 2021

From catchment to coast, with an emphasis on the estuaries and coasts of southwest England

The ECSA Focus meeting "From catchment to coast, with an emphasis on the estuaries and coasts of southwest England", originally scheduled for spring 2020 will now be held as a 1-day on-line event on Wednesday 28th April 2021.

For the draft programme see the attached document.

For part of the day there will be two parallel sessions. However presentations will start and finish at the same time so delegates may switch readily between the two sessions.

‘Posters’ will be available for viewing as pdfs.

Offers of posters (and possibly oral presentations) are still welcome. Abstracts should be sent to the ECSA Focus Meetings organiser:   Andrew Wither awith [at]


Registration will be free for speakers and ECSA members (current at time of the meeting). All other delegates are asked to become ECSA members in lieu of a conference fee. This is currently £36 p.a. for individuals (full rate) and, as well as access to the meeting, will give all the benefits of ECSA membership for 1 year. For full time students the fee is £30 for 3 years. Reduced membership rates are available for applicants from DAC countries. Institutional or sponsoring membership allows up to five participants from the member organisation to attend.

For further details, and to apply for membership online, please go to

To register for the meeting please email your name, affiliation and ECSA membership number* to awith [at]

N.B. Members can see their number when they log in to the ECSA website.

For general enquiries about the meeting, please contact Andrew Wither: awith [at]

For membership queries please contact membership-secretary [at]

Event category: 