Thursday 19 November 2020 to Saturday 21 November 2020
Kerala Kerala 34

A virtual ECSA Focus Meeting/ International Conference on "Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystem: Synergies for Fishery Potential (CMESFP-2020)" is being organised by the University of Kerala in Thiruvananthapuram, India, on 19-21 November 2020.

Conference Themes:

  • Biogeochemistry and biology of the mangrove ecosystem
  • Restoration and conservation of the mangrove ecosystem
  • Mangrove-associated fishery potential and its strategies

Abstract submission and registration deadline: 25 October 2020.

Programme and Registration - see conference brochure for details

Registration Fees

Within India (INR): attendance only fee (250); attendance and paper presentation fee (500)

Outside India (USD): attendance only fee (10); attendance and paper presentation fee (20)

The conference will be held on the Google Meet Platform. A link for joining the conference will be sent to registered participants.

Attached file(s): 
PDF icon Mangroves Conference Brochure912.54 KB
Event category: 