Please note we have added the presentations from the meeting and a summary of the conference output. In addition we have added the Essex historic grazing marsh project report, this is in response to one of the questions discussed on the day.
Our near shore seas and estuaries in the North East Atlantic have been transformed by human activity with significant losses of key habitats and the services they once provided. We have the capability to reverse some of these changes and there is growing interest in, and examples of, habitat restoration.
The REACH North East Atlantic conference brings together experts from academia, government, NGOs and industry to recognise what we have lost, develop an understanding of what we can do and inspire a cause to restore estuarine and coastal habitats.
For further information, please see the attached flier and booking details can be found at
The final programme and directions to the Natural History Museum are attached below, along with information on the sponsoring organisations. These documents form the delegates' pack, and can be downloaded and printed if wished.