Thursday 14 March 2019 to Friday 15 March 2019
Department of Environmental Sciences
University of Kerala
Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 695001

An ECSA Focus meeting on the environmental status of estuaries and coasts in India will be held in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India on the 14-15 March 2019.

The threats to marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity in India will be explored along with possible solutions.

Abstract submission: 15.01.2019

Notification of acceptance: 30.01.2019

Registration deadline: 05.02.2019

The abstract and completed registration form should sent to eceiuok [at] before the submission deadline.

There is no registration fee. No financial support will be provided to the participants for travel and accommodation.

ECSA will award prizes for the best posters and the best paper presentations. Up to two prizes, each consisting in a student membership of ECSA for 3 years, will be awarded for each category.

Attached file(s): 
Event category: 