Monday 30 April 2018
Malet St
Greater London
United Kingdom

The next ECSA Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 30th April 2018 at 1pm in the Bloomsbury room of Senate House, University of London. It will be followed by the ECSA Council meeting. 

Please use the following links to access the draft minutes of the 2017 AGM (see below) and the nomination form for Council members. All nominations should be returned to the ECSA Secretary 1 month before the AGM.

There have been two nominations for the post of President Elect of ECSA and so there will be a vote at the AGM on the 30th April 2018. The two candidates are Dr Sally Little and Professor John Humphreys and a short statement for each of them can be found here. If you wish to vote you can either attend the AGM on the 30th April 2018 at 1pm in the Bloomsbury room of Senate House, University of London or send your vote by email before 5pm on Friday 27th April to the Secretary, Gillian Glegg, including your name, ECSA membership number and the name of the person you wish to vote for. Dr Sally Little

Event category: 