Joint ECSA Local Meeting with Poole Harbour Study Group - Science & Management of Marine Protected Areas.
Climate change, policy developments such as Brexit and progress in marine science all contribute to a fast changing context for MPA’s.
This conference aims to examine the current issues from a variety of perspectives at a time when questions on the future approaches to MPA’s are the subject of policy development.
Contributions are welcome from individual practitioners, NGOs, statutory and governmental organisations as well as from academia.
Abstracts of papers and posters are invited ranging from original scientific research reports through reviews to policy analyses, critiques and management practice innovations. Both UK and comparative international perspectives are welcome on all forms of Marine Protected Area.
While abstracts may focus on specific MPAs, especially when the subject matter is of wider relevance, submissions which examine or exemplify general issues such as (inter alia) the relationship between scientific evidence, policy and management, or the balance between conservation and socio-economics are also encouraged. The conference will result in a published proceedings volume with the prospect also of themed journal publication for suitable peer reviewed papers.
Conference themes.
• The science of Marine Protected Areas
• MPA’s and fisheries: Policy & practice
• Climate change, non-indigenous species and marine conservation
• Post Brexit UK policy and European Marine Sites
• Recreational & commercial pressures: Impacts & solutions
• Water quality, nutrients, and eutrophication.
Abstracts of papers or posters (250 words maximum) should be submitted using form phsg2017-abstract-form. Once completed please name the file “lastname_firstinitial_PHSG2017.doc” and email it to info [at] pooleharbourstudygroup.org.uk by the 25th November 2016.
Keynote speakers and the full programme will be announced early in the New Year.
Cultural Programme
The conference has been timed to precede the European Maritime Conference which will be held at Poole on the two days following. The Poole Boat Show with various associated events will also be running over the following weekend.
These events add up to a major international maritime festival for those wishing to stay in Poole for the week beginning 17th May 2017.
The Port of Poole lies a short distance from Poole Quay which offers a wide range of recreational facilities. A conference buffet dinner will take place during a cruise along the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site whose eastern boundary lies adjacent to Poole Harbour.
Accommodation in nearby hotels will be reserved for direct booking by registered delegates. Further details on the conference, associated events and cultural programme will be made available at http://www.pooleharbourstudygroup.org.uk/2017-conference/
Generous support from our sponsors have allowed a conference fee for all three days inclusive of refreshments and lunch of £60. Some sponsored places are available.
ECSA/PHSG Conference Website - with call for Abstracts http://www.pooleharbourstudygroup.org.uk/2017-conference/
PHSG secretary Alice Hall ahall [at] bournemouth.ac.uk
Twitter https://twitter.com/PHSG2017
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PHSG2017/
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