Wednesday 17 May 2017
20 New Quay Rd
BH15 4AF
United Kingdom

The 47th Annual General Meeting of ECSA is to be held in the Board room of the Port of Poole Offices at 2pm on the 17th May 2017 and all members are welcome to attend. At the AGM we will hear reports of the society’s activities over the last and elect the society’s Council who are responsible for running the affairs. The Agenda and papers are available via this web page. If you wish to be elected to the council or to nominate someone, please complete the form available through our website and send this to the secretary Dr Gillian Glegg at the email below.

The meeting should last no more than an hour and if you want to join us via skype we will do our best to accommodate you – please contact Gillian Glegg with your skype name if this is your intention.

Gillian Glegg - gglegg [at]

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