Tuesday 8 April 2014 to Thursday 10 April 2014
Full presentations are attached at the end of this page. Conference Organiser Andrew Wither: awith [at] noc.ac.uk
Index of Selected Presentations from the ECSA conference on the Estuaries and Coasts of North and mid Wales.
- Jago. Introduction and Welcome. Ongoing Developments In North Wales
- Charlesworth. Progress and challenges in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in North Wales
- Robins. Modelling the coasts of North Wales
- Brown et al. The Dee Estuary: waves, circulation and sediment transport
- Williams. Anglesey - Ynys Ynni (Energy Island)
- Bowers. Seiches and Double High Waters in the Menai Strait
- Jackson et al. Turbulence control of Floc size in Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in the River Estuary Transition Zone (RETZ)
- Kaiser. Sustainable Use of Fisheries Resources in Welsh Waters
- Ramsay. In Search of Horse Mussel Beds N and W of Anglesey
- Prichard. River Dee Cockle Fishery
- Jones et al. Valuing carbon sequestration in coastal margin habitats
- Park. Challenges and opportunities – delivering coastal squeeze compensation habitat in Wales
- O’Brien. Treating Sewage is Not Always Easy!
- Jones. Caring for our Coast (Keep Wales Tidy)
- Camplin. The Biology of Welsh Sandbanks - In Decline?
- Bush et al. Decadal scale change in Sabellaria alveolata within the United Kingdom
- Green. Sub-tidal Sediment Monitoring around The Welsh Coast
- Elliott. Healthy Seas and Estuaries
- Otto. Managing the Teifi Estuary
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