Tuesday 8 April 2014 to Thursday 10 April 2014
United Kingdom

Full presentations are attached at the end of this page. Conference Organiser Andrew Wither: awith [at] noc.ac.uk

Index of Selected Presentations from the ECSA conference on the Estuaries and Coasts of North and mid Wales.

  1. Jago. Introduction and Welcome. Ongoing Developments In North Wales
  2. Charlesworth. Progress and challenges in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in North Wales
  3. Robins. Modelling the coasts of North Wales
  4. Brown et al. The Dee Estuary: waves, circulation and sediment transport
  5. Williams. Anglesey - Ynys Ynni (Energy Island)
  6. Bowers. Seiches and Double High Waters in the Menai Strait
  7. Jackson et al. Turbulence control of Floc size in Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in the River Estuary Transition Zone (RETZ)
  8. Kaiser. Sustainable Use of Fisheries Resources in Welsh Waters
  9. Ramsay. In Search of Horse Mussel Beds N and W of Anglesey
  10. Prichard. River Dee Cockle Fishery
  11. Jones et al. Valuing carbon sequestration in coastal margin habitats
  12. Park. Challenges and opportunities – delivering coastal squeeze compensation habitat in Wales
  13. O’Brien. Treating Sewage is Not Always Easy!
  14. Jones. Caring for our Coast (Keep Wales Tidy)
  15. Camplin. The Biology of Welsh Sandbanks - In Decline?
  16. Bush et al. Decadal scale change in Sabellaria alveolata within the United Kingdom
  17. Green. Sub-tidal Sediment Monitoring around The Welsh Coast
  18. Elliott. Healthy Seas and Estuaries
  19. Otto. Managing the Teifi Estuary
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