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Beach erosion is the result of a deficit in the coastal sediment  budget. To manage this process coastal sediment stock assessment is crucial, even more under the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) framework.

Being hard to increase sediment input from the river system, which is actually reducing due to soil erosion control, flood reduction and dams construction, a knowledge based managing of sediment  moving along the coast is the only possible short and medium time strategy to address the problem, with or without hard shore protection structures.

On the other side, shelf sediments are increasingly used to artificially nourish eroding beaches, but this non-renewable resource needs to be assessed and managed in the most sustainable and profitable way. The same is for sediments deposited on the updrift side of harbours and marinas, as well at river mouth jetties; a land-to-land nourishment can be carried out through bypass systems, provided a strong knowledge of the sediment budget and supported by stakeholders consent.

Under a growing human coastal occupation, and within a sea level rise scenario, managing coastal sediments has scientific, technical and administrative issues which deserve more consideration, also to reduce stakeholders conflicts.

Aim of the proposed session is to collect and compare scientific, technical and legal experiences supporting a wise management of this precious resource.

Session of 34th IAS MEETING OF SEDIMENTOLOGY in Rome (9-13 September 2019).

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Last modified: 
12 March 2019